Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Causes of imperialism in U.S. in latter 1800s-

1) Economic factors

1. Lack of money and products to sell.

2. More income was coming.

2) Technology factors

1. More and more income for weapons came in for U.S. army.

3) Military factors

1. More and more weapons were produced which lead to good off and def.

4) Nationalistic factors

1. Many people believed more and more in their nation.

2. More people would become American citizens.

Examples of Imperialism-


Thanks to some Americans, there is a military base and a terrorist prison in Guantanamo called Guantanamo Bay.


Many Americans colonized Cuba after saying that they will help them get rid of the Spanish. They stayed their 3 years, and constructed a base.

Arguments for imperialism-

Territorial expansion

Humanitarian factors.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Ali Alaoui Smaili 11-02-10 A.M.S. H-work


Globalization is the mix of culture, society and economies in the planet.

Cultures globalization results as music and literatures. Society globalizations results as china town in different cities of the world. Economic globalization results as consumption of products made in China or in Thailand.

Pros and Cons:


1) People get open minded thanks to globalization. Globalization makes people wonder what the world has and new cultures to explore. Therefore, we will have less racism.

2) There will be a better communication between people.

3) Consumption of products that are made all over the world


1) The problem with globalization is that people are getting open to one specific culture, but as a result, other cultures are less heard of today. We are open too much on American culture, which makes other cultures such as pigmy cultures less known.

2) With multinationals, there is no more coffee or cotton sold in markets, but made in manufacturing industries. This causes some poverty in some places.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

IBAT Product: Fuel Cells

Product: Fuel Cells

Name of Company: IBAT (International Business of Advanced Technology)

1) Products of Company: Advanced Technology; Fuel cells.

What are fuel cells?

Fuel cells will be used in cars and other transportation utilities (busses, trucks, trains) as a replacement to the fossil energy combustion. The system we propose is based on a dual cell to have redundancy to make sure that energy will be always available and get rid of refueling constraint. While one cell will provide electricity the other one will get naturally refueled and will be used when the first one need refueling.

The proposed mechanism would extract Hydrogen from the water in the air (humidity) and then get it the process of hydrogen fuel cell. The hydrogen fuel cell will then create energy to be used by cars or any other machine.

2) Horizontal nature of company: China, United States and England.

Why these places?

We selected China because it will be the biggest markets in few years.

United States is the biggest car market today and there is a huge awareness of the green energy and pollution related aspects and we believe that our products will be very successful.

England will be our landing point to address the European market. Thanks to its cultural proximity to the United States we believe England is the best choice to address Europe.

3) Vertical Nature of the Company: Sources

What will you need?

We would tie up a very strong partnership with the university where we graduated and their chemistry and physics laboratories would work hand in hand with our lab to continually enhance our product.

Our product would be a highly technological product and would require a very high level of security to protect our intellectual rights and also to protect the employees that will build it. For this we would choose a country with high standard of employment (qualified engineers for the design part, qualified laborers for the production part, country of law for our intellectual rights).

Raw materials needed for the product are synthetic substances with the less weight possible to make sure that the end product will not use much of energy to be transported.

Our model is a Business To Consumer model and we have chosen to market our product through a network or distributor and not directly. We would deliver our product to central locations or our distributors and they will be in charge to getting the product at the selling point or at the customer place if they decide to sell the product via the internet. Our company will be focused on the product and its enhancement, security and not on the distribution part.

4) Energy: Government

What energy source?

We would need electric energy provided by the electricity utility company. Our production plant would not use much energy.

We would also ask for Government incentives since we would help in the effort of saving the planet. The incentives would be used to get the companies stronger and able to invest in better technology not only to make profit. That will be against the spirit and the mission of our company.

5) Raw materials resources: Elements

The furnishers of the raw materials will come from nations who actually manufacture our product when possible. The raw material would also be synthetic materials that will be purchased from the chemical industry sector.

6) Labor: The workers and the payment

We would use highly qualified labors and would require a high level of privacy to ensure to intellectual rights of our product. At the same time, we would not have all the production in the same site for the same purpose. We would pay our employees better than any other company and share with them the profit. We see our company as creative not only for the environment but also in the relationship between employers and employee.

7) Government and Regulations: Compromise

We will have to work with the government and find compromises since we will from one hand we will propose an alternative to fossil fuel and that will help in reducing pollution and the global warming process.

From the other hand, the government is collecting a lot of taxes (large part of the fossil fuel cost) and may lose this income. We need to find fair solution that will still enable to government to tax our product but at the same time to give incentive customer to buy our products.

We will work with the government because they will give us the energy for the cells we asked for earlier. After that, they will benefit 5% of the gains per product sold.

8) Profit: Mr. Warren Buffet

We would explain to Mr. Warren Buffet that our product would be the universal product that would not have ecological impact in its life cycle. The hydrogen collected from the air will be transformed back in the air during the energy production. There is no cost in producing the energy then, there will be no shortness in hydrogen since all hydrogen used will be made available again.

The business model proposed will be based on usage of our product and not one shot price at purchase. We would rent the machine or get paid based on the quantity of hydrogen collected. Hydrogen meters would be placed in each or our products and would push the information on our global billing system that will produce invoices and get transfer made automatically. Delinquent customer would have couple of days to pay unless their machine will be stopped and they will have to pay a fee to reactivate it.

So Mr. Buffet will have to finance the project and get revenue for ever without additional investment.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Revolutions in Morocco

I wanted to write about revolutions in Morocco which concerned human rights because human rights evolved a lot this last decades. Three revolutions seem important to me in this domain, which are:

-Resistance against France and Spain.

-IER (Instance Equité et Réconciliation)

-Movement for women rights.

1) Resistance and brawl against France and Spanish:

Morocco was occupied by France and Spain in 1912. Moroccans plan to organize themselves with progress to free themselves from occupants. The movement of the resistance spreads there ideas to all parts of Morocco to join their battle for freedom, therefore, there were more resistants (men and women) in cities, countrysides, mountains, deserts, etc...

One of many actions which lead to Morocco's liberation was the strike of independance in 1944. Mohamed V, who still fights for independance is exiled to Madagascar in 1953. His departure creates fights, strikes, etc... With this in mind, France chooses a new King for Morocco, Mohamed Ben Araffa, who was rejected by the population.

The fight for independance continues with the demanded return of the kingdom's previous King. In 1955, France, under pressions of Moroccan revolution, is forced to bring Mohamed V back, and is forced to leave Morocco and leave it with it's independance in 1956.

2) IER (Instance Equité et Réconciliation):

After Mohamed V's death, Morocco has a new king, Hassan II. His reign lasts 38 years (1961-1999) with a balance sheet of postive and negative points. A couple of years before his death, Hassan II engaged Morocco in a democratic process.

After his death, his son Mohamed VI, created an authority of IER. This authority was asked to brighten the previous dark years (années de plombs) where Hassan II was still dominant. This caused several people to be arrested, tortured and disappeared. This authority made investigations on each case including public testemonies in the various medias (TV, radio, newspaper, books, etc...). The victims have received componsations but more important, they have been recognized being victims of previous regime. This has been a revolution not only in Morocco, but in the whole Arab world. It was the second experience in Africa after South African forced apparted reconciliation process.

3) Movement of women's right:

The movement of women's rights is present since the independance, but society was closed to any new movement concerning women. Progress has been realized thanks to the women effort and the King Mohamed VI support. Laws have been enhanced on the social side of the citizens rights. As an example the following areas have been changed drastically:

a. Family code (in the previous code, wives were due to obey their husbands).

b. Penal code (the same penalty is applied for wife and husband in case of murder after red-handed adultery).

Other changes have occured in the objective to equalise men and women's rights.

These three revolutions are important to me because they had a direct impact on the day to day life and seems to be the basis of a deeper changge in human rights.